Hi Ray Tomes et al! Ray, I want to thank you. You hit me over the head with a baseball bat to knock me out of my DUH with regard to aether...despite saying it all the time and writing about it, I kept thinking aether had to GO SOMEHWERE!! You said it didn't have to GO ANYWHERE because matter is PRECIPITATED AETHER. Between your comment and the 'Matter as Bubble's' file, it finally snapped for me, so THANKS!!!! Heck, I wrote the file on the aether spectrum which is based on energy precipitating to mass and vice versa (e=mc^). So who gives a flip besides me? The reason the aether precipitate realization has struck such a chord with me is that it explains why rotation is so important. This air vortex (doughnut) projector also plays a part...you can create a 'well' of stillness in moving fluid by reversing the flow onto itself so that it cancels...like a retroreflector, which produces a 180 degree reflection of the incoming energy and thus a cancellation of the wave FORCE of the flow. Also contributing are the posts about cavitation and vortexes. The realization that electricity, magnetism, gravity and INERTIA are all interchangeble means that any of these forces can be used to produce phenomena/control of any of the other forces. Rotation, whether energetic or physical/mechanical, if brought to a sufficiently high velocity will minimize or repel the influx of aether INTO mass. >From the Carr file; http://www.keelynet.com/gravity/carr1.txt > He said the same "free energy" which causes the earth to rotate > on its axis and orbit around the sun will turn a machine he > described as two cones joined at their circular bases. > > When the rotation of such a machine reaches a certain > velocity relative to the earth's orbital velocity, Carr said, > it will take off....<snip>..... > > The principle on which Carr said such circular motion machines > would operate is that "any vehicle" accelerated to an axis > rotation relative to its attractive inertial mass (the earth) > immediately becomes activated by free space energy and acts as > an independent force. Make the outside rim of your rotating mass move faster than the earth AT IT'S EQUATOR and the object is no longer subject to the earth's aether influx!!! This can be done mechanically, energetically or I think, using VIBRATION. Aether influx must be a complex of waves, with one or more dominant...by conjugating against these dominant waves at the right frequency and phase, IMHO, you have gravity control with all its attendant side phenomena. Years ago, I did some spreadsheet estimations of how fast a disc would have to be spinning to exceed the earth rotation at the equator....3, 4 5, 8, 10, 20, 30 foot diameter disks....I'll have to dig up the spreadsheet info, but I believe a 3 foot disk at about 50,000 rpm would exceed the earths rotational velocity at the equator, based on 1,020 miles per hour. That was Otis Carr's claim. But it is much easier to duplicate using a rotating magnetic field or electrostatic, EM or acoustic field and WITH DENSITY, that is high amplitude energies. Well, surely points to some things for me and I can see all kinds of other correlations to matter as being precipitated aether into standing wave (soliton) bubbles in space.... -- Jerry W. Decker / [email protected] http://keelynet.com / "From an Art to a Science" Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501 KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187