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"A-440 Frequency"

"The Blackouts"
San Fransisco Rock 'n' Roll

"Baroque Music"
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"Midi Page..."
samplers & stuff
"Someone sent this to me a while back. I have no idea of how accurate it is,
but from my estimations, the only frequencies you will need to work with
are contained within the 1 to 30 Hz range or from Delta through Beta.
I cannot comment on any frequencies beyond the normal 30 Hz waking state,
as I have no solid info on the effects. Use at your own risk!"
***Ed Erst ([email protected]) 27 Aug 94***
- Delta: 0.1 to 3 Hz.
- The Delta level is normally associated with a deep
dreamless sleep, trance state, and non-REM type of
- 1.00 Hz
Feeling of well-being; pituitary
stimulation to release growth hormone;
overall view of inter-relationships.
- Theta: 3 to 7 Hz.
- The Theta level is normally associated with recall,
fantasy, imagery, creativity, inspiration, future
planning, dreaming, switching thoughts, and
- 3.50 Hz
Feeling of one with everything; accelerated
language retention.
- 5.50 Hz
Moves beyond knowledge to knowing; shows
visions of growth needed.
- 6.30 Hz Mental and astral projection; accelerated
learning and increased memory retention.
- Alpha: 7 to 13 Hz.
- The Alpha level is associated with a non-drowsy but
relaxed, tranquil state of consciousness, primarily
with pleasant inward awareness; body/mind
- 7.00 Hz Mental and astral projections; bending
objects; psychic surgery.
- 7.50 Hz Inter-awareness of self and purpose; guided
meditation; creative thought for art,
invention, music, etc.; contact with spirit
guides for direction.
- 7.83 Hz Earth resonance (Beck).
- 8.00 Hz Level for past life regression.
- 8.30 Hz Pickup visual imagery of mental objects.
- 9.00 Hz Awareness of causes of body imbalances and
means for balance.
- 10.50 Hz Frequency to go for healing of the body;
mind/body connection; firewalking.
- 12.00 Hz Centering; frequency of earth resonance
(Hercules - a researcher).
- Beta: 13 to 30 Hz.
- The Beta level is associated with outward awareness,
the taking in and evaluating of various forms of
data received through the senses; it is present with
worry, anger, fear, hunger, and surprise.
- 13.00 Hz - 30.00 Hz is the NORMAL awakened,
daily functioning state.
- High Beta: 30 to 500 Hz.
- The High Beta level is not associated currently with
any state of mind. Some effects have been observed,
but currently not enough research has been done in
this area, to prove, or disprove, anything.
- 35.00 Hz Awakening of mid-chakras; balance of
- 55.00 Hz Tantric yoga; stimulates the kundalini.
- 63.00 Hz Astral projection.
- 70.00 Hz Mental and astral projection.
- 80.00 Hz Awareness and control of right direction.
- 83.00 Hz Third eye opening for some people.
- 90.00 Hz Good feelings; security, well being,
- 105.00 Hz Overall view of complete situation.
- 108.00 Hz Total knowing.
- 120.00 Hz - 500.00 Hz P.S.I.; moving of objects, changing matter;
Well, I hope this helps you in your own experimentation! At the least,
working at programming synthesizers and achieving good results can be
an exercise in futility. But in the process you will always learn
something new, and probably come away with a new appreciation of audio
engineers, if not an improved ear for sounds.

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