ANNUAL:One life cycle per year, seed anew every year.
BIENNUAL:Come to fruition the in the same season of next year.
PERENNIALS:Continuous growth.
Trees: desert willow (Chiopsis linearis) and lysiloma both have attractive flowers and grow to about 25 feet.
Shrubs: Cassia, jojoba and Leucophyllum
Ground cover: desert primrose, desert verbena and blackfoot daisy.
Also cactus, yuccas and agaves.
All these plants require little water.
These are sap sucking insects that affect a wide range of plants. Lady bugs will do their best to keep them under control. Pungent herbs will help keep them away. Aphids are attracted to nasturtium which when loaded with the pests can be pulled out and burnt.
Bury around roses as they provide high amounts of phosphorus and potash.
Mini trees in tiny pots.
Essential gardening practice. Start from your kitchen waste. If you do a lot of cooking at home it doesn't take long to build up a good heap.
Keep organic waste in a shaded shallow pit, alternatively add soil, scraps and water. After it has broken down, start a new pit. Avoid an excess of citrus in the heap as this will burn the worms. When digging in new plants add the broken down compost (soil), to the potting mix.
To expect the best from plants give them what they need (and then some). Plants will extrude from the soil more of some elements than others. Over time a plant will extract its favorite minerals and then atrophy as it has leeched its' source of growth. If the soil is not being composted, crop rotation will prevent damage to a particular species of plant. The new plant that is been introduced should have different feeding habits to the last plant to avoid the problem reoccurring. Remember that crop rotation is only a band-aid solution and all care should be taken to supply growing areas with rich soil.
Cut length to fit vase.
Use very sharp blade, take care not to tear branch.
For plants that drip sap place end of stem in boiling water or a flame for a short period.
Remove any stem, leaf or flower that is under water.
Use luke warm water when filling vase.
Flower food extends life of cut flower.
Clean vases thoroughly after use.
Do not place cut flowers in direct sun light.
Need water for your garden? Take a forked stick, hold on to the 2 'handles' and stroll around the property with a calm and focused mind. The dowsing rod will vibrate (or angle downwards)when passing over water. Once found the next step is to ask how deep does the water lie (5 feet 10 feet etc.). Again the rod will vibrate more strongly when you are near to the correct depth.
Two dimensional tree growing. Place a branchy fruit tree quite close to a wall or fence. Select horizontal branches and prune the rest. This can be done over time to lessen the shock to the tree.
Instead of using dead trees to mark your perimeters use hedges to give a pleasant feel to your place. Flowering vines can also be grown through the hedge for extra decoration.
see frogs
A natural extract that is the basis for accelerated plant growth. Use to produce 'superplants'.
Use slow release fertilizer tablets as spilt manure inside the house will not go down well. Beware of over watering as plants are less likely to dry out being away from the wind. Reserve windowsill for plants and any other sunny spots. If need be use full spectrum fluro tubes or green glow lights to supply extra light. Place water near heaters to ensure the room doesn't dry out, plants like moist air.
Custom make plants by taking the pollen the pollen from one plant and depositing it on the females ovary. Different colours and fruits plus a increased resistance to disease can occur with hybrids.
Queen Elizabeths' beauty tonic
12 oz. rosemary, 1 oz. lemon peel, 1 oz. orange peel, 1 oz. mint, 1 oz. balm, 1 pint rose water, 1 pint spirits of wine. Mix and steep for 3 weeks, gently apply to skin after bathing.
IF you are after a great lawn stay clear of kiku. This grass is great for paddocks but will be very patchy when cut. Buffalo or couch are better for household lawns. When establishimg a new lawn water heavily for the first week.
Beware of mulch that is not fully decomposed as it will strip the ground of nitrogen. Nitrogen content is very important for most plants as it is like a turbo boost for plants. Too much nitrogen will cause plants to burn and die leaving a white powder on the surface on the leaves. Even soil that has been covered with tall grass for years will have a high mulch content but due to the decaying grass soil will be low in nitrogen.
Water plants deeply to encourage deep root growth.
If you really want to learn about water go to the Water Wizzard aka Viktor Schauberger