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Candle Power

Making candles is not only fun and creative but also ensures one against blackout or untimely power bill cut-offs. The steps are simple and are as follow:


Old pot
Heat source

Simply melt wax. As this is heating prepare wick by placing a recycled wick holder (obtained from an old fragrance burner candle)on to the bottom of it. Thread wick thru top of mould (or bottom if inverting), seal wick hole and secure the wick so it will lie straight in the mould.
Wax should be poured into mould when a temp of 200F is reached.
Place mould into fridge for quick cooling and so the candle doesn't stick to the mould.
Please never leave hot wax unattended!
Add dyes for cool looking candles
Don't leave candles to collect dust--BURN THEM!!--


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